weekly news

  • 14 / 12 / 2020
  • -

Week:  14 -> 18 December 2020

Here is the news of the week at SHAPE 2020:

·       Foundation of an apartments block


This Wednesday, we will pour concrete for the foundation of a new appartements block. Part of Reykjavik Avenue will be reduced to one lane in the morning of that day.

 ·       Beginning of dismantling at Saturn 1 and G17


In anticipation of the asbestos removal in 2021 of the Saturn 1 block, we are starting this week the interior disassembly. At the same time, we are starting the dismantling of the G17 garage block.

 ·      Closure of the construction site for Christmas

The work site will be closed from December 18 to January 4. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. In case of problems during this period, you can call us  at the following number : 0490 58 93 38.

For more information: contact us at 0490 58 93 38, at the following email address: shape.village@bpcwallonie.be, or on https://shape-village.com/en/.